Saturday, January 10, 2015

Alien abduction?

This week has been hectic - workdays have flown and I've been exhausted every evening. Have been working on something which is on my office computer but today I'm feeling rather run down and just want to curl up and watch football.

A couple of us at work have been enjoying my theory that I was abducted by aliens this week. Woke up one morning to feel a nasty spot right in the centre of the back of my neck. Wasn't sure if I'd scratched a hive in my sleep or got a spider bite but ignored it until later in the day when it seemed as if it was swelling up and was becoming painful. Got a mate to look at it for me and she said it looked pretty bad. That was when I came up with the fanciful idea that I'd been 'probed' and there was an alien bug in my neck. We've had a few laughs while the swelling increased as the week went on; was it possible that my new constellation mug was the source of the aliens? If we looked in the box, would there be a little green man inside?

Being unable to see this horror hiding in the hair at the nape of my neck, I did go see the pharmacist in Boots on the way home on Thursday and she gave me antihistamines and hydrocortisone cream. However, now all the lymph glands at the back of my neck are swollen and sore. Maybe I should be keeping a close eye on what might pop out?

Sunday, January 4, 2015

An odd day

When I awoke this morning, at my usual time of 7ish, my intentions were to have coffee, then more coffee while watching the news and Sunday politics show and then walk up to Westfield with my 'Next' voucher and buy some new trousers for work. Nothing very ambitious, just see what the wider world was up to before some exercise and retail therapy before heading back to watch darts and FA Cup football and prepare for the week ahead. In other words, a quiet, undemanding day.

At around 10am, my peace was shattered when a zombie-like figure entered my room, asked where the toilet was and, after I had replied, "in the bathroom", it went out again and I heard it use the facilities. Very odd, until I explain that I share my flat with someone who drinks as many cans every 24 hours to provide a week's worth of alcohol units! Drowning somewhere in all that strong beer is my boyfriend, and although I haven't actually had the pleasure of his company for many months (hence my wanting a place of my own), I do keep a close eye on what the zombie does to him. Thankfully, when I went to check up on him, he was out for the count on the couch and I just turned off the tv and the light and made another cup of coffee. However, my desire to go out had evaporated with the daily hope that I needn't be a carer today. Maybe it's daft of me, but despite going out to work five days a week, at weekends I feel uneasy at leaving him alone when I know his brain is particularly pickled.

Anyway, a couple of hours later we had the pleasure of a visit from his Dad so it was just as well I was here to hear the doorbell. Lovely to have some company in the flat and good conversation but all too soon it was back to normal and I retreated to my room and Frimley Green. Boring, I know but the boredom did drive me to fully unpack from my Christmas holiday and then have a bath with some of the 'smellies' which I'd been given as presents. Took my Kindle to read while soaking and discovered a book which I didn't know I had but really needed - Quantum: Einstein, Bohr and the Great Debate About the Nature of Reality. It is a really good history and explanation of quantum mechanics which has been puzzling me of late because I've been reading some Science of the Discworld and watching the BBC Christmas Lectures and struggling with the whole quantum thingy. Before Christmas I'd also been watching a series on tv about the subject and the concept of quantum biology was as fascinating as it was mind-boggling, so maybe in a few weeks I'll be able to improve my comprehension and learn what it's all about?

An odd day, but somehow satisfying.

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Almost back to normal

Getting back to the office yesterday was a good way to ease into the new year with a weekend break before a full week's work. Quite a lot of people were still on annual leave, but there was plenty to keep me busy and make the day fly. Afterwards, it was into the West End to meet up with my sister and her other half for some catching up, a lovely meal and a belated present for me. It is nice when there is something to do after work.

Today, despite the rain, I was really looking forward to a morning at the local market but got there to find it wasn't on. Undaunted, it was just a matter of heading round to spend some time with my friends in the charity shop (picked up a nice set of bowls) and then to do the usual Saturday shopping in Tesco. Made sure I bought healthy, low-fat foods and avoided the biscuit/chocolate/crisp aisle. What I wouldn't give right now for a bar of Galaxy! Feel like a treat as my cold seems to be winning and I had to take paracetamol and have a nap this afternoon. Oh well! There's still another day of rest before the working week begins again.

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Aspirations for the coming year

Well, I'm back blogging again, and this time I mean to keep it up!

2015 is the year when writing is going to be part of my daily routine, whether it's blogging, scribbling doggerel, working on a piece of fiction or just a long email/letter. As someone who has more of an influence on me than she knows reminded me this morning, getting into the habit of writing is the only way I'm going to get any of the ideas prowling round my brain onto paper.

So this is aspiration number one for 2015. Actually, I started over Christmas when I was home in Murrisk for the holidays. Sitting up in bed having my morning coffee with my dog, Pippa, trying to lie on top of me, it seemed natural to let my thoughts flow through my fingers onto my laptop screen. Just like old times but now I'm going to make it part of the new times too.

I may not have my dog with me in London, but I do have a special animal on my bed. Let me introduce you to Paul Mouse (P.M. for short). He joined our family at the end of 1999 when our babysitters took the two eldest out for a treat. When they returned P.M. was presented to the baby, whereupon he instantly discarded his favourite toy and permanently replaced it with the little grey beanie. The adventures of Paul Mouse are a book in themselves as he has been and done everything with us ever since, but now he lives with me so that he can "mind" me when I haven't got my boys around. I must admit, there have been nights when feeling particularly homesick that I've clutched P.M. in my hand to help me get to sleep and the rest of the time he is constant reminder of the love of my family.

From the maudlin to the mundane - aspiration number two is to lose weight; I even have an NHS prescription for 12 weeks of Weight Watchers so no excuses. My GP gave me a full check-up a few weeks ago and my blood results were a warning to me to get fit or get diabetes. I've already cut back drastically on my sugar and processed foods intake and even managed to wear a pair of jeans which I'd left in Mayo on my last visit because I couldn't do them up. A small start, but encouraging.

I'm having trouble picking more aspirations for the year. There are so many things I hope to achieve but know that taking on too much will only result in meltdown. A place of my own where I can have Pippa to join me is something I'm working on. A trip to Spain is definitely something I need as it's way too long since I was there; I've even brought back some of my Spanish books to brush up on the language before I go. Quitting smoking is a given, but maybe it will become part of the fitness regime?

If I can achieve everything in this post in the next 365 days, 2015 will be a success.

Wish me luck!